Summer stock has a really crazy way of seeing what you're made of as an artist. It's a stressful crazy time, where you are stuck in some sort of barn or converted aircraft hanger or some basement underneath a restaurant in what seems to be like the middle of nowhere. The work is quick and dirty, weeks feel like months and the whole summer can feel like a year but it teaches you how to make choices quickly and boldly with out fear. And you will form an addiction to caffein.
For me summer stock saved me as a performer. Since i've last done it (3 years ago) school wasn't going well for me and I felt trapped. No one was giving me the chance to work a role in a show and I was questioning myself quite a bit as a performer, so It was good to go from one incubator to another. Some times to grow as an artist all the change you need is context. After that change of context I was changed as a performer. Summer stock has a way of making you fearless....a skill desperately needed in this craft and skill I was lacking.
This time around has been different. Since i'm only doing one show this time my scene partner Marc De La Conha (you should know him) and I have to put up this two person comedy, (Miss Abigail's Guide to Dating Mating and Marriage) is seemingly endless. Some times it's nice to be out of the city. Even though being a NY stage actor is the goal, you need to surface your head and take a breath. I
It's good to remember that theater dose exist out side of the big city....and some damn good theater at that.
I'm wondering how many spanking puns I can make in a single blog post...ok here we go. Just when you though the spanking was done...the swift hand of comic hilarity is coming back to Canada. Fredricton will be the face...and laugh so hard their butts will fall off and instead of slapping knees they will be slapping their own butts...cause you know we can't actually spank you...cause laws...
Well! I couldn't be more excited about going back to Canada. For those of you who know me, every time Canada is brought up in a conversation, my immediate impulse response is'; "I LOVE CANADA" and followed immediately with; "I wanna live there!" Not unlike whenever Agent Coulson is asked about Tahiti. (Possibly i'm and ex-S.H.E.I.L.D. agent?) So, i'm happy to see another part of that wonderful gravy guzzling paradise. (I love gravy) Also, happy to not be going in the dead of winter...unlike last time...when it was the dead of winter... So cold in fact that the grate lakes where frozen over for the 1st time in like years. (*Side note* ice fishing seems like a really good excuse to have beers with friends...) Yes though I think that Canada is a good place to visit any time, I think that spring over all is a lovely time to be any where. So when you combine a good time of year with an awesome place, then I guess you can't really lose can you? I think this is what normal people call a vacation.
Any ways I'm so so happy to be going back up there to do the show, and get some putine while I'm at it. It looks like I didn't make nearly as many spank puns as I originally intended, This is most likely for the heres a few more! Fredricton CA, is gonna get spanked and will be leaving the Playhouse Fredricton 50 shades of great!
Puns are horrible...